2022 Winter Retreat

CKM&A & Malashock Dance's
2024 Summer Dance Institute
June 24 - July 6, 2024
at Malashock Dance
Dear Artist,
In a rapidly evolving performing arts field, dancers must broaden their mastery of dance while developing expertise in arts administration, education, and build their community network. This unique Summer Dance Institute will expose participants to the work of two dance companies – Christopher K. Morgan & Artists and Malashock Dance & Company, and connect participants with other San Diego dance community artists providing a comprehensive view of making a life in dance. With contemporary dance technique classes, repertory sessions, choreographic tool building, mentorship in arts administration and education, a networking event, and photo shoot, artists will leave empowered with tools and connections to create the artistic life they desire.
Be in space and inspired by guests from the San Diego dance scene, Malashock Dance & Company dancers, and CKM&A collaborators.
Join us