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Elsie Kaleihulukea Ryder

Hula | Hawaiian Chant & Language | Cultural Advisor


Elsie Kaleihulukea Ryder is a hula and chant practitioner who studied the Hawaiian traditional art form of dance from her teacher the late, John Ka’imikaua for 30 years. Elsie, along with Mel Enos, and Sulu Tafaoimalo, continue to carry on the hula chant, dances, and stories that come from the island of Moloka'i dating as far back as the 9th century. Hālau Hula O Kukunaokalā, the Dance Academy of the Rays of the Sun, is based on the island of O’ahu, Hawai’i, where they continue to teach this unique dance form. The hālau's mission is to educate and enlighten all people to the stories, chant, and dance of ancient Hawai’i. Elsie resides on the island of O'ahu where she is the Kumu Hula of Hālau Hula O Kukunaokalā,


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  © 2024 Christopher K. Morgan & Artists

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