Metro Weekly Magazine Profile March 2018
"The newly appointed Artistic Director of Dance Place, Christopher K. Morgan knows exactly why you need more dance in your life."
André Hereford, Metro Weekly, 3.1.18
The Washington Post on Christopher
“I want to see how Dance Place can create enough opportunity for these artists to stay,” Morgan says, “by looking at the longer arc of a choreographer’s career and giving them an incentive to stay in the area."
Morgan quoted in an interview with Sarah Kaufman, The Washington Post, 8.25.17
The Washington Post on Christopher
“We picked Christopher because his understanding of Dance Place and the community in which it sits was probably the strongest of any of the candidates,” said board member Denise Rollins, who chaired the search committee.
Sarah Kaufman, The Washington Post, 5.17.17
Ngoma Magazine Profile on Christopher April 2014 Issue
“The biggest reward of a life in the arts for me is the art itself...
I have to feel good about the work"
Morgan quoted in an interview with Shelby Robinson, Ngoma Magazine
Profile on Christopher by The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation
"As a choreographer, Morgan stands out for his innovation of form, fascinating collaborations and his capacity as a storyteller."
The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation 10.11.13
"Excellence in Cultural Expression" native Hawaiian artists win fellowships from the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation.
Lurline Wailana McGregor, Mana Magazine 3.2013
"It's the kind of inspired and impromptu dancing style that sets Morgan apart from other educational choreographers "
Hoai-Tran Bui, special to 2.17.13
Dance Partnership Offers Apprenticeship
New partnership allows American University students to apprentice with the professional dance company CKM&A.
Steven Dawson, American University 10.12.12
This article gives insight into the importance of the artist residency, as well as the work Christopher does as a facilitator each summer at the Dance Omi International Dance Collective.
by Christopher K. Morgan, Dance USA Green Room Journal 9.18.12
Metro Weekly Magazine Profile April 2012
“Growing his choreography as well as DC's dance community."
Doug Rule, Metro Weekly
Elan Magazine Profile March 2012
“The Dance spurred conversation, and that's what people like... they like to have their brains tickled..."
Sarah Schallern, Performing Arts Director of the Alden, in Donna Cedar-Southworth's Article
Dance Magazine Breakout Choreographer Profile April 2011
“His work strikes a personal chord with audiences... yet his abstractions leave plenty of room for imagination."
Emily Macel Theys, Dance Magazine